Monday, January 5, 2009

Meijer Trip #1

I went a bit wild here with the frozen entrees. My girls and I attend a homeschool co-op once a week and I use these to speed up our mornings and keep myself from being tempted to buy fast food. They are way to expensive for everyday, however when you compare the cost of these at $4 for lunch to Taco Bell at $25 its no contest and a lower calorie uption as well.

4 stoufers paninis
12 lean cuisines
1 box of lean pockets
2 free yogurt packages for purchasing the lean cuisines
6 boxes of kraft mac and chs (buy 3 get 3 free)
1 box of 6 donuts marked down from 2.19 to 1.31
Note to Myself: Someday a will write a comedy about taking my children shopping: I will call it "I bought 6 donuts and left with 4"

Coupons used
-.40 on lean pockets doubled to -.80
2 -$1 on 2 stoufer paninis
2 -$2 on 5 lean cuisines
1 -$1 on 2 lean cuisines
Total 29.93
Saved with coupons and buying on sale and marked down 35.74

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