Saturday, January 17, 2009
Free Beech Nut Toddler Meals! At Meijer
The Beauty of a Raincheck
Yes, its disappointing!
I use to be downright discouraged when this happened until I discovered the beauty of a raincheck.
It's true! Never bypass a raincheck. In fact if its a really sweet deal, and you have already used your coupons, but you happen to be there on a different day, and the item is out of stock, get a raincheck.
- A raincheck is a sale you can choose the date of.
- Depending on the store your raincheck will be good for a month or more.
- During that month more coupons could come out or you might trade for some, find more, or buy them on the internet.
- Some deals are so good you may want to go back and get more and pay the full sale price.
- A raincheck allows you to choose when to spend that part of your grocery budget so you can stock up on that item during a week when nothing else is on sale and you have a little more to spend.
I love rainchecks. I will be one of those at Meijer this week on Wednesday night hoping for out of stock items.
Meijer Huge Sale Update -- Free Pepperoni for some areas!
Also while you are shopping at Meijer check out these deals from the Pantry Blog:
New York Garlic Bread will be $1 after q and Nature Valley granola bars $1 after coupon.
Update on Meijer's Huge Sale!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Wife Swap - Tonight at 8pm on ABC Coupon Clipping Mom
Wife Swap - Home -
Little People Wealth: Free Weekend Subscription to Refund Cents!
Little People Wealth: Free Weekend Subscription to Refund Cents!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Meijer Trip #4
Meijer Specials 1/15-1/21
Meijer does these sales from time to time. Certain items are $1 each. If you buy 10 (or 10 for $10) you get another of these items (11th) free.
10 for $10 items: coupons are in red
- Totinos pizza rolls - .40/2 doubled=.60ea or go here for a .55 coupon
- Green Giant Boxed Vegetables -.50/2=.50ea
- Chex Mix - .50 doubled=free
- Hormel Pepperoni-.35 doubled=.30ea
- Betty Crocker helpers and potatoes(several coupons out for these)
- Aunt Millies English Muffins-.35 doubled=.30ea
- Pillsbury Grands(several coupons out for these)
- Chef Boyardee-.35/3 doubled=.65 a can These were .88 before coupon at Kroger last week
- softsoap-.35 doubled=.30ea
- Brooks chili beans -.55/2 double to $1
- Dole bagged salad, baby carrots, avocados and a variety of other produce
- Meijer pasta sauce
- Betty Crocker cake mix and warm delights
- Combos
- Pillsbury crescents may be included(there is a variety of coupons for these)
- green giant steamers may be included $1 - .50doubled=free
Betty Crocker Boxed Muffin Mix is 3 for $5-.40coupon doubled = .86each
Hellmans 2 for $6 - .50coupon doubled= $2each
Bob Evans 2 for $5-.25coupon doubled= $2 each
Loreal Kid Hair Products $2-.75 coupon doubled to 1=$1 each
Yoplait kids yogurts are 2 for $4 and there are a variety out for these
Huggies wipes are $2-.50coupon doubled= $1
Fiber One Bars are $2-.50coupon doubled=$1
Skippy is 3 for $4-$1 off 2 coupon .83each
Fast fixin cheeseburgers and chicken fries are 1/2 off
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Looking Forward to Tomorrows Ads
CVS Extra Care Buck Tips
- I prefer to make a lot of stops at different CVS stores than annoy the cashiers. (I have 5 stores VERY close and will stop at two or three on my way to Meijer)
- I have also been known to go to CVS several days in a row so as not to annoy the cashiers.
- I try very hard to be friendly and make small talk with the cashiers. They are the ones that can push a coupon though after all.
- I will make extra trips to keep rolling the same $5 in ECBs instead of accumulating high dollar values. So for example I will buy soyjoy one or two at a time because I do not want an ECB worth $6x5boxes or $30. Not only is it difficult to spend $30 at CVS but if I loose $30 I will be devastated.
- I remember that when I buy multiples of the same item like in the soyjoy example CVS will give me one ECB for the value of all the items. 1 $6 soy joy will yeld 6 ECBs. 4 $6 soyjoys will yeld $24 ECBs. My CVSs will not take an ECB for less than the face value so I will have to buy at least $24 dollars of stuff after coupons and before tax to use 24 ECBs.
- When CVSing I think about the best order to make my purchases. For example:
Scenerio 1
2 throat coolers at 9.98 -B1get1 coupon= 4.99 spent yields 9.98ECBs
2 soyjoy boxes at $12-9.98ECBs=2.02 spent yields 12ECBs
Scenerio 1 total spent $7.01 still have 12ECBs to spend
Scenerio 2
1 nasogel at $7.99-$2 coupon= $5.99 spent yields 7.99ECBs
1 box of soyjoy+1 gallon of milk=$6+2.99=8.99-7.99ECBs=$1spent yields 6ECBs
1 box of soyjoy=$6-6ECBs(no tax on food here)=0
2 throat coolers at $9.98-B1get1 coupon 4.99 + 1 gallon of milk at 2.99= $7.98-6ECBs= 1.98 spent yields 9.98 in ECBs
Scenerio 2 total spent is 8.97, ECBs still to spend 9.98 and I had to make twice as many trips but I now have 2 gallons of milk and a nasogel as well so it depends how bad I needed the milk.
- MY CVSs will only use ECBs that are less or equal to the amount of the bill not including the tax and after all the coupons are taken off. They will not give me cash back for ECBs ot issue my new ECBs as change. I have a few things I will buy at CVS to fill out my orders if my total is not high enough.
Here's my list:
Milk at 2.99 a gallon or less
"Green" paper towels at $1 a roll
Johnson's buddie bar soaps when I have $1 off coupons are .19each
CVS baby wipes are very nice and come in travel packs
candy and gum
CVS has nice priced snack packs of nuts, trail mix and whole wheat pretzels
CVS trash bags
Small packs of femine hygiene products
Free Suave Coupon-Today Only
The site is running very slow due to heavy traffic so be patient. IT does work.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Review: Beech Nut Let's Grow Mini Meals 18 cents at Meijer

These are a great deal. A real impovement over Gerber Graduates for sure. The mini meals are small microwaveable bowls of all natural kid friendly meals. My Meijer had chicken and stars, mac and cheese, spaghetti, and chicken with cheesy potatoes. All the meals contain vegetables even the mac and cheese and they are so natural that the mac and cheese actually lists butter as an ingredient! The whole line of Beech Nut Let's Grow looks wonderful and my toddler loves the banana cookies.
There are coupons out for $1 off the let's grow line and Meijer sells the mini meals for only $1.18. Great Deal!
I Have Been Given An Award!
If you are not familiar with what the Lemonade Award is, the Lemonade Award is given by a previous winner to 10 people who have shown a great attitude or gratitude this week. It’s a great way to show these people that you appreciate them.
I am passing on the award to the following:
A Year of Crockpotting
The Thrifty Mama
What It's About
Yard Sale Queen
A Busy Mom's Day
Tales of the Wombat
$avings makes Cents
You won, now what?
- Put the logo on your blog or post.
- Nominate at least 10 blogs, which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude! Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
- Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award .
Sunday, January 11, 2009
CVS trip #7
1 box of soyjoy bars $6
4 Johnson's Buddie soaps $1.19each
-$4 Johnsons Coupons
Total spent .54
ECBs Received $6
Yes, that is more than I spent!